EDACC Project, 2017. The Kiosk, Blue Mountains
A residency based on the theme of Energy, Data, Abstraction and Cognitive Capitalism (EDACC)- 6-week residency.
Jacqueline Drinkall, WeiZen Ho, Ian Milliss, Naomi Oliver, Rebecca Waterstone, and Gianni Wise.
Curatorial development through 3 sources of advice: Tony Bond (ex-head curator AGNSW) who shared skills in poetic and philosophical reflection and the failure of transcendentalism in art (e.g. Pollock and Anselm Kiefer), consciousness, cognition, memory, trauma and the real; Sabrina Roesner (Regional gallery exhibitions manager) focused on insights into the values of soft curating and as sounding board and assistant to artists; and Lizzy Marshall who advocated a harder curatorial formula.
The major work tiled Defenestration, in some sense, played with issues of data retention and increasing technologies of paranoia and fear. This work involved the staging of actually ramming of a tree through the window of the exhibition space, with a tree truck intersecting with tree base and root system inverted. Data cables are imagery props — making it something akin to “a precog log full of predictive knowledge about future eco-cides and climate deforestations. The log yields lumps of coal as well as internet cables, with coal ancient fossilised wood buried like dark sun and photosynthetic memories within the earth. Dead wood takes on a post-human re-evaluation similar to the way wood becomes a semi-precious substance within Bladerunner metaphysics.”
Exhibition residency catalogue
Interview on public digital service
Funded: NSW Government through Create NSW.
Digital radio recording. Interview with Drinkall, Milliss and Wise