“Aesthetics of Quantum Action At A Distance in Transdisciplinary Art and Theor” with J. Drinkal. Key artists engaged with quantum action at a distance.
• Altitude project
• Abstract Doctor of Philosophy: Title: Paranoid Fixations
• Bare-Life-Empyre-documenta. What is Barelife? This contribution to the Documenta Magazine Project (documenta12, 2006), in which a group of artists and writers collaborating with Documenta to generate a discussion around a theme Documenta calls “bare life’. “This question underscores the sheer vulnerability and complete exposure of being. Bare lifedeals with that part of our existence from which no measure of security will ever protect us. But as in sexuality, absolute exposure is intricately connected with infinite pleasure. There is an apocalyptic and obviously political dimension to bare life (brought out by torture and the concentration camp). There is, however, also a lyrical or even ecstatic dimension to ita freedom for new and unexpected possibilities (in human relations as well as in our relationship to nature or, more generally, the world in which we live). Here and there, art dissolves the radical separation between painful subjection and joyous liberation. But what does that mean for its audiences?”
• 2014 Panelist with Alana Lentin, Angela Mitropolous, Matt Keim and Gianni Wise to discuss Sydney Biennale and Transfield, invited by Sydney Democracy Network, Festival of Democracy, University of Sydney
• activate2750
• OnCurating
• TheArtLife: who’s looking at who? 2006