Lucas Ihlein at biennale with
22 May 2014

Screen Shot 2014-05-22 at 10.07.50 pmLucas Ihlein.

Lucas Ihlein is an artist who often works collaboratively with groups such as Big Fag PressSquatSpace, and Teaching and Learning Cinema

His work can take the form of performances, expanded cinema events, re-enactments, lithographic prints, writing, public lectures and blogs. 

In recent years, Ihlein has been working on a series of ‘blogging as art’ projects which formed the basis for his PhD, completed in 2010 at Deakin University, which was entitled “Framing Everyday Experience: Blogging as Art“. 

Ihlein is a lecturer in Media Arts, Visual Arts and Design at University of Wollongong

Blog (writing and commentary since 2003): Bilateral

Website (detailed portfolio of selected projects):

You can contact him by email at: lucas[at]lucazoid[dot]com

and fashioning discontinuities